Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Replacement Replacements

New project. Not sure if it'll be used for cover or what. Basically I'm redoing album covers with my comic characters. I got the idea when i was thinking about how many amazing four piece bands there are. This is the first one, The Replacements album "Let it Be". It fits exactly for the vibe of the Sperble Elite

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"never gonna get ahead, giving head to the man"

BOBBY CONN. I am obsessed with this fucker's music. All genres: metal, spoken word, tons of disco, ambient, he does everything. And does it crazy. We've been having a tradition of having Bobby Conn dance parties every Monday. I want to get him to move to my little town so he'll play live at our dance parties.
Anyways, in the words of another:
"Do yourself a solid and listen to Bobby Conn's self titled"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Another in my Sperble Elite series. This is the dark walrus, the character who represents me on the team.