Thursday, January 26, 2012


Thunder Sloth getting choked by Thondar Slothenstein. From the second arch of the Sperble Elite, I don't really know what this is gonna be about.


Painting I made for my friend Chris. Him and I in the black rock desert.


Logo for a Band we never ended up happening. Love the name

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This is Izzy

This is the dash of her car

and this is Brian

Sunday, January 8, 2012


having a coffee table that serves as a communal painting canvas has been a tradition for me and my friends since we moved out of our parents house. One day I hope I have a whole house that can be painted like that. My room mate took this table up to Arcata, so I wanted to get a photo of my latest addition to it before it was gone.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Recently Me and my old roommate Pat put together THE BEST OF THIRST, a collection of our favorite pictures and articles from the first 9 issues of our zine.
The background of this picture was a trick Pat figured out: enlarging the inside of an envelope as a background pattern. Turns out envelopes have a lot of trippy designs inside them

Fake advertisement's for products such as THIRST COLA were a reoccurring gag we used over and over again.

TRUE SCIENCE FACTS was another reoccurring gimmick, where I'd cut out a picture of my friend Andy and have him give some false education to the masses

Pat made this one. A little weird posting someone else's creation on the blog, but this is the embodiment of THIRST, and possibly the funniest thing in all 9 issues.