Sunday, December 29, 2013


 So my scanner doesn't cooperate with my current operating system. This means, to scan anything I have to pull out my tiny, broken EEE. The thing has no battery, no screen, and half the time the mouse can only move up and down, not left to right. It's a real pain, so I've been scanning my art less and less regularly, and when i do I tend to make it an all day event, getting as much done as I can so I won't have to worry about the thing.

Anyways, this is from the recent batch of scans I did. The first is a picture from Oakland of my roommates Brian, Pat and I. The second is a work in progress for a new Sperble Elite logo. Then a little grim reaper sketch. Below is a design for either a toy or animation, I forget. Something I don't have the time to actually make.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


A week comic I did of my friend Andy's life down in the bay. This was for a project my brother had come up with: four differernt people document a week of their life, making up a whole month. The book never came together, but this is one of those weeks.

The comic will someday have ink washes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Had a Alice in wonderland halloween party. To decorate I made this collage of different illustrations from the novel. I've always really loved the woodcuts from this book, as well as woodcuts in general.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Setember, part 1

This is my contribution for an unfinished collaboration comic my brother and I were working on. He was inspired my my week comics, and wanted to get four people together to work chronicle one month from different perspectives.  The last one was never finished, though hopefully we will see it soon. This is my week for it, which looking back is a very exciting one. It strikes me also because it's the first week comic I did when I moved back to my hometown. There's an excitement about life, an enthusiasm happening in this comic I kind of miss. Hopefully the book will be done someday soon as a mini trade.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

painting I made for my friend years ago. Our two Super Heros, The Dark Walrus and Thunder Sloth.

Friday, September 6, 2013


This painting is the largest, most detailed thing I've done so far. Now that it's finished I'm a bit overwhelmed with free time. I'll probably start another to keep myself sane. I'll post a high resultion picture of it soon, but for now here's a little animation of the process it went through

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Haven't made a flyer in a long time. This is for a show in memory of my friend Derek who died a few months ago. I guess I'm playing drums for Johnny Arson & The Epics, should be a good time.
Also I finished my new zine about my travels in Belize.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Painted this a long time ago. It was weird and ill fitting in a frame, but I needed something new for a show. It's been sitting over my desk for months, and tonight I got irritated by how obviously unfinished it was. So I added the cityscape in the background and over the matting.

Monday, July 22, 2013

So, a few things here. The first two are for a flyer for an upcoming memorial show for Derek. First is just line work, the second includes ink washes and some splatter stuff. Then a page from BABYMEN TAKE BELIZE, my new zine. Just sent this one off to the printer, supposed to get a master tomorrow morning. Gotta buy a new long armed stapler.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


My friend hooked me up with a chance to show my art During a art walk in downtown Nevada City. Here are some shots of the stuff I displayed. I like how everything looked against a dirty brick wall.

Friday, July 5, 2013


 Some pictures of Fengus From older sketchbooks. This one is a slightly He-Man styled fengus riding the Omnipitivore (more about him here: Something about a riding a creature that in turn is riding another creature really cracks me up.
 This fengus has a weird inverted color scheme and an nose, making him a pretty offputting Fengus. That match stick made it into a few of my scans around this time. Guess I was really lazy then.
Guts for Glory.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013


A few minutes after midnight, Monday June 3rd Derek was hit by a train in the Black Rock Desert. My roommate and best friend, Derek was the most skilled and caring human I've ever met. He loved to create, sustain life for both plants and animals. He the best adventure partner in the world, and he was the one who got me started making my own comics, which I now pursue as a passion. The Black Rock was his favorite place and I'm glad to say the last time I saw him, he was as happy as a person can be. 
I shall spend the rest of my life striving to be worthy of  his freindship.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Hopefully, if I don't get too drunk tonight, I will finish the rough of this zine. Even if I do get too loaded, it's about time to premier it. The cover of my latest work, a travelogue of my trip to Philadelphia and Belize. It will be the first printing I've ever put together digitally,  a process which I will never do again with this computer. Such a pain! I actually thought it would be simpler then doing the work by hand. Next time it's typewriter and glue all the way!
Regardless of the problems with process, I think this will be a very solid book, probably my largest solo printing (besides SPERBLE).
UPDATE: I got too drunk and didn't finish.
ANOTHER UPDATE: I've given out all my copies of this zine, so I feel like it's time to post some of the art from it.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Sketch and finished portrait of David Lynch. On the final work I added a effect on photoshop to try to bring some of the blacks back into the picture, for the photo of it was taken on my ipod and was totally washed out.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


 Photo's from the Black Rock Desert. Shot in 35mm film, developed into negatives by hand. Some were digitally touched up a bit.