These are the party from our Pathfinder pen and paper R.P.G. game. We're playing through the well loved module Rise of the Rune Lords. I play Usel, a Hedge Witch. I forgot my owl familiar in both pictures, will have to do another to represent him. On the right is a portrait of our whole party, Usel the Witch, Derp the Half Orc, Corweird the Ghost, Thrillmavriel the Halfling Bard, Vlathmire the White Necromancer, Lorilith the Cavliler and Dinny the City Guard.
I've never had the knack for fantasy art. My style is kind of stiff and lacks the serious intensity of the greats of the genre, the hyper realism of a Frazetta or the many other masters. In doing these RPG sketches though I've come to appreciate how fun it is to draw a kind of awkward looking wizard or barbarian. Good times.