Saturday, February 27, 2016


This is a comic in memory of my friend Clint, who passed away recently. The rizz razz was a weapon he made, a fist pack with a chain attached to it. Clint, our friend Zach and I spent a long stretch homeless together, though Clint and I had fallen out of touch in recent years. But, when you're homeless with someone, you spend ungodly amounts of time together. The only people you maybe spend more condensed time with are probably romantic partners and children. I got a lot of time with Clint when I knew him, is what I'm saying. This comic showcases the silly violence we were prone to getting up to together.

Oh, another thing: this comic came off super sexual. I didn't even realize it until I was halfway done with it but it really does. I think Clint would've thought it was funny

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


My friend Ian gave me the components of a lightboard yesterday. This brought up an interesting question: where does tracing fall in the 'art' spectrum. It's a low creativity activity, almost ending up closer to crafting then creating. At the same time, all of your style comes through, and you still have to make choices about what to draw and how.  Drawing from life still qualifies as art to me, so why not tracing? Also I altered the people in this picture to like The Dark Walrus and the Thunder Sloth. Does that small alteration make it qualify more so as art?

I don't have answers for any of this. Really, in the long run, it only matters if it comes across looking insincere, unreal or bad. Many light board tracing artists end up in that real (Greg Land), where they scrape the uncanny valley and become limited by bad composition and stiff figures. As long as you don't go there, use whatever tools you want I say.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


 Dr. Badweird, my old character from my zine THIRST.
 Four little canvases making one painting. Unfinished, very in my brother's art style.
A collage I made at work.